Friday, December 11, 2009

The Elusive Art of Understatement

This year I decided to create a more understated mantle than is usual for me. Normally the mantle is laden with oranges, pine, beaded snowflakes, etc. I don't know if it's because my mind feels cluttered or because my house is cluttered, but neutrals, textures and space have really been appealing to me. I hope it's just a phase, because I really have too much color in my home to try to go neutral. I mean, an empty barn with roughly painted white walls sounds about aesthetically perfect to me right now--not very practical.

So, I gathered all my mercury glass candle holders and my little gold birds, gave them a backdrop of some realistic-looking pine needles. What do you think?

You also get a peek at my new/old painting I bought on ebay for $40.

The birds seem happy.

Did you notice the cool mixing beater? No, it's not my attempt at funky/modern style. Jack used it to whack Elizabeth and I stuck it up there after confiscating it. Then I forgot about it. I told you my mind is cluttered.

How are you decorating this Christmas?

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